Top 5 Psychometric Tests To Include In Your Recruitment Process

The adoption of recruitment automations such as psychometric tests has increased over the past decade. Psychometric tests encompas assesments that analyse a candidate’s knowledge, abilities and skills, personality traits, attitudes and behaviour. Choosing the right tests to administer is largely dependent on what skills the candidate requires to be successful in the role.

What is psychometric testing?

The definition of psychometric combines the words ‘psyche’, meaning mind and ‘metre’, meaning measure. Therefore, psychometric is a term that refers to the measurement of the mind. Initially, psychometric tests were created for educational and psychological purposes. However today, they are widely used throughout the recruitment process within a number of industries including Finance and Business.

Psychometric testing is an assessment method used in recruitment to measure a candidate’s mental capabilities and personality traits. Through multi-faceted methods of data collection, the recruiter is able to observe a candidate’s behaviour, personality, cognitive thinking and profile on the basis of this.

Are psychometric tests beneficial to the recruitment process?

Psychometric tests provide the recruiter with the ability to objectively measure and assess a candidate’s potential. Psychometric tests add value to the recruitment process, filtering candidates that are not equipped for the role, thus reducing the chance of mis-hire.

With technological advancement, psychometric testing can occur online, reducing the level of paperwork often accompanied with recruitment. Online psychometric tests utilise bespoke questions, adaptive technology and/or artificial intelligence, making it simple to integrate into the recruitment process.

Top 5 psychometric tests to include in your recruitment process

There are numerous psychometric tests available to include within the recruitment process. The right tests (or mix) will depend on the nature of the role and the industry in which it has been advertised.

1 Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement tests (SJTs) can help in understanding a candidate’s decision-making capabilities. Candidates are presented with work-specific scenarios and asked to judge how best they would react or respond to potential situations. The situation is typically based on a real-life problem which the candidate may face. The candidate will be presented with multiple-choice answers, offering various courses of action.

Situational judgement tests are typically used in any role that involves making an independent decision to be successful. This is most common in senior or managerial roles. There are many benefits to SJTs including;

  • Ability to assess more than one personality trait, value or competency
  • Supported by research to provide valid, real-life scenarios
  • Highly flexible in how they can be applied within the recruitment process

2 Verbal Reasoning Tests

Verbal reasoning tests assess the candidate’s ability to read, understand and analyse a passage of text in a timely manner. The candidate is often presented with a short passage of text followed by true, false or cannot say questions. In presenting the candidate with this, it tests their ability to extract information from the test, but is not necessarily a test of skill.

This type of psychometric test is specifically centered around how the candidate can make a reasonable and logical deduction from the information provided.

Benefits of verbal reasoning tests include:

  • Identification of candidates who can optimally perform in customer facing roles
  • Allows recruiters to determine a candidate’s ‘weak points’, allowing them to structure a training plan that can propel their knowledge and skill
  • Shortens the hiring cycle

3 Numerical Reasoning Tests

Numerical reasoning tests are the most common form of psychometric test, assessing a candidate’s ability to read, understand and analyse numerical data. Questions within this test are typically presented with numerical data in the form of tables or graphs.

This assessment will require candidates to use basic mathematical knowledge including percentages, ratios and fractions. Numerical reasoning tests are therefore directed at assessing a candidate’s ability to extract data and correctly manipulate it to provide a correct answer.

4 Logical Reasoning Tests

Logical reasoning tests are non-verbal assessments which test a candidate’s ability to analyse logical and abstract reasoning, obtaining rules and structures to determine an appropriate answer.

Logical reasoning tests are therefore designed to measure a candidate’s ability to reach an intuitive conclusion. There are a number of logical reasoning tests including;

  • Inductive reasoning; Using a series of images that follow an unknown pattern, the candidate is required to select the next image in the pattern as per inducitve logic
  • Deductive reasoning; In deductive reasoning, the candidate is required to identify false conclusions
  • Abstract/Diagrammatic reasoning; Using images, similar to inductive reasoning, the candidate is required to identify patterns, relationships and trends
  • Critical thinking; Critical thinking assessments are often used in senior/managerial roles, where being able to think criticially is essential in informed decision making.

5 Personality Tests

Personality tests are advantageous when integrated into the recruitment process as they can help determine a candidate’s personality traits and culture fit.

There are numerous types of personality tests including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Berke Assessment, and the Caliper Profile. The type of personality test that a recruiter issues will be dependent on the industry in which the job role has been advertised. It is important for a recruiter to understand key motivators in each job role, what drives stress and and how the candidate may deal with problems.

Issuing the above personality tests can allow the recruiter to identify the behavioural traits in candidates, allowing them to predict success in the role.

With Qualyphi, you can issue an unlimited* number of tests to your candidates, including Numerical Reasoning, Verbal reasoning, Personality, Logical Reasoning and Mechanical Reasoning. View our full test library here.