How Recruitment Automations Can Improve Your Hiring Process

Given the rise of unemployment, recruiters are likely to face an influx of applications to advertised job roles. Without automation, the hiring process can therefore become lengthy, time consuming and stressful. In order to avoid false-hires and time wastage, cultivating a thorough and positive recruitment process is essential, for both the recruiter and the candidate.

Including automation within the recruitment process can increase productivity, select the right candidates and fill job roles sooner.

What is recruitment automation?

Recruitment automation is the technology that automates or streamlines tasks and workflows within the recruitment process. The technology leverages machine learning, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence throughout the various stages of the hiring process in order to improve the candidate experience and recruitment efficiency.

Recruitment automation looks towards creating and managing candidate files, reviewing CVs and candidate screening through psychometric testing.

Why is candidate experience important?

According to industry statistics, 40% of candidates reject offers because the employer did not provide an offer fast enough. Over 80% of candidates said their candidate experience changed their minds about the job opportunity.

A poor candidate experience can not only form a negative association with the employer’s brand, but also discourage top candidates from continuing with their application.

How do automations improve candidate experience?

Staying in touch with candidates, providing the right information at the right time is integral to the success of delivery a positive experience. Candidates will quickly lose interest in a company if there is little communication during the hiring process.

By automating particular aspects of the recruitment process, recruiters can focus more on building relationships whilst candidates receive faster responses through a streamlined recruitment process.

Steps To Start Automating Your Candidate Process

Elevate your job advertising

Companies should introduce automations into their job advertisements through programmatic job advertising. Automating the placement of job ads allows recruiters to target ideal candidates, whilst saving money on ads that deliver little return on investment.

Many recruiters utilise automated advertising to distribute branded content that accurately reflects the company culture rather than an average job posting, in order to appeal to the ideal candidate.

Track your applicants

One of the most common types of recruitment automation technologies are Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). ATS are used by recruiters to collect data and track the recruitment process within a hiring database.

From when a candidate applies to the advertised role to further progression within the application process, the Application Tracking System allows recruiters to accurately identify which stage the candidate is in, allowing them to collaborate effectively.

Recruit via key social platforms

LinkedIn has become a hub for recruitment opportunities, with 98% of recruiters using the platform to post job opportunities and reach potential candidates. Launching recruitment campaigns on relevant social media platforms can therefore be highly effective for reaching ideal candidates.

Given that a large proportion of individuals are now active on multiple social media sites, scanning current employees’ connections can also be a great way to identify potential candidates.

Pre-screen your candidates

According to industry statistics, 75% of candidates are not qualified for the specified job role and 88% are not strong enough to progress to the interview stage. Candidate pre-screening tools can rank applicants to pre-determine those that are relevant to the job role and identify individuals that are viable to move forward in the hiring process.

Integrate pre-employment assessments

Pre-employment assessments are highly valuable for assessing relevant skills and characteristics that are necessary for the advertised role. Pre-employment tests automatically rank candidates based on their scores in order to mitigate against hiring bias which can ultimately skew candidate selection.

Psychometric testing is an optimal pre-assessment tool used in recruitment to measure a candidate’s mental capabilities and personality traits. Through multi-faceted methods of data collection, the recruiter is able to observe a candidate’s behaviour, personality, cognitive thinking and profile on the basis of this. Psychometric testing allows for further refinement during the hiring process as the recruiter can account for educational history, knowledge and skill by looking at the candidate’s application or CV.

Psychometric testing includes the following assessments:

  • Cognitive Ability
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Mechanical Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Personality

Qualyphi strengthens and makes the hiring process easy by creating leading psychometric tests which you can issue to potential candidates. When these tests are used correctly, they can become a valuable resource that is continually implemented throughout the recruitment process.

You can view our complete list of tests available here.

There are a range of tests available, allowing you to choose tests that are best suited to your company or job vacancy.

The Top 10 Benefits Of Recruitment Automation

1 Increased productivity

By integrating automation into the recruitment process, recruiters acquire greater time to focus on higher value, more meaningful tasks.

2 Fill roles faster

Automated candidate pre-screening, nurturing and asessing can reduce overall time to hire new employees.

3 Lower costs per hire

Recruiters can reduce hiring costs and generate a higher return on investment by curating automated job ads, targeting their ideal candidates on relevant social media platforms.

4 Hire better, consistently

Recruitment automations are data driven, allowing recruiters to make informed decisions when considering potential candidates.

5 Curate a positive candidate experience

Candidates are more likely to have positive associations with a business and remain engaged throughout the hiring process when communication is consistent and fast with the recruiter.

6 Remove bias and encourage diversity

Pre-employment assessments allow recruiters to remove bias from the recruitment process, whilst ultimately encouraging diversity in the workplace.

7 Streamlined data collection

A key recruitment automation tool is a recruitment CRM, which allows recruiters to streamline data collection, recording and tracking in one place.

8 Optimal collaboration

Recruitment automation can promote collaboration between all shareholders, from recruitment managers to employees and potential candidates.

9 Healthier workplace culture

By integrating automation, recruiters can ultimately improve the recruitment process, leading to better hires, greater employee retention and enhanced brand perception as candidates become advocates.

10 Greater data

Automation creates data which leads to enhanced reporting, analytics and data insights which can ultimately improve the hiring process and the wider business.

Recruitment automation should be widely adopted by recruiters in order to promote a positive candidate experience and protect the company’s reputation.

Automating the recruitment process can decrease false-hires through pre-assessment testing and targeted, online job advertisements whilst curating a positive relationship with ideal candidates.

Learn more about Qualyphi’s pre-employment assessments here.