How To Use Psychometric Testing On Existing Employees

What Is Psychometric Testing?

The definition of psychometric combines the words ‘psyche’, meaning mind and ‘metre’, meaning measure. Therefore, psychometric is a term that refers to the measurement of the mind. Initially, psychometric tests were created for educational and psychological purposes. However today, they are widely used throughout the recruitment process within a number of industries including Finance and Business.

Psychometric testing is an assessment method used in recruitment to measure a candidate’s mental capabilities and personality traits. Through multi-faceted methods of data collection, the recruiter is able to observe a candidate’s behaviour, personality, cognitive thinking and profile on the basis of this.

Whilst psychometric testing is commonly associated with recruitment, the process can provide valuable insight into what motivates an individual, how people prefer to learn, and how team dynamics can be improved. Ultimately, the data collected from psychometric testing can be used to tailor incentive schemes, refine recruitment processes or restructure training and development programmes.

Four Ways Employers & Recruiters Can Use Psychometric Testing

The overarching goal of psychometric testing is to provide objective information about an individual’s behaviour, personality and abilities in order to allow the recruiter or employer to make informed decisions.

On this basis, there are four key areas in which recruiters and employers can use psychometric testing:

1 Hiring

Typically, psychometric tests are issued during the hiring process in order to screen candidates. After shortlisting potential candidates, recruiters can assign a series of psychometric tests in order to understand the candidate’s suitability to the advertised role by assessing their skills. Issuing psychometric tests at this stage is also beneficial when dealing with large quantities of applications across various platforms.

2 Promotion

Psychometric testing can be advantageous in highlighting differences between candidates that have been selected internally for a position. For senior roles, employers should issue multi-stage assessments in order to ensure the role is filled optimally.

3 Development

From an informational perspective, employers can encourage employees to complete psychometric assessments to increase their awareness of their individual personality types. In doing so, it provides a basis for team building exercises, improves communication skills and addresses any conflict between colleagues.

4 Assessment

Psychometric tests are often disregarded as powerful decision-making tools. By issuing a variety of relevant psychometric assessments, it can allow employers to identify employees that may have an impact on the organisation within specific roles. For example, the tests may highlight leadership qualities that were otherwise dormant.

Using Psychometric Testing On Existing Employees

Qualyphi’s psychometric tests can be utilised as part of a wider, appraisal process or in regard to employee development. Psychometric testing can aid in the identification of growth opportunities, before the tailored development of training programmes that bolster the skills of existing employees. Psychometric tests can be a valuable tool when applied to the following;

Removing emotional bias that is often associated with evaluating and promoting employees

Pyschometric assessments allow recruiters to remove bias from the recruitment process, whilst ultimately encouraging diversity in the workplace.

Team Building

Pyshcometric testing can facilitate a healthier workplace environment by aiding in the identification of stress points within the team. Once identified, employers can make recommendations on how to overcome difficulties or suggest changes or wellbeing initiatives if necessary.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Psychometric Testing?


Human rights legislation restricts employers from making decisions on the basis of an employee’s or prospective employee’s origin, religious beliefs, status or disability. Employers must exhibit caution when issuing psychometric tests as they may result in a human rights complaint if it results in a candidate being indirectly or directly ‘screened out’ of the employment opportunity.


Psychometric tests involve the collection of an individual’s personal information, which may be considered highly sensitive depending on the type of psychometric test issued. It is therefore important for employers to take into account the privacy rights of employees and candidates when issuing the tests.

With Qualyphi, you can tailor your psychometric tests to the industry in which you operate, including relevant questions to ensure optimal results. You can view our test library here.