How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Recruitment

As technology continues to advance, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence to HR professionals has allowed for a more standardised approach to recruitment. By integrating AI in to the recruitment process, recruiters are able to reduce time spent on profiling and screening, allowing for faster hires and a reduction of mis-hires due to data-led candidate selection.

What Is Artificial Intelligence & How Is It Used In Recruiting?

Artificial Intelligence leverages computers and machine learning to mimic the decision-making and problem solving capabilities of a human being. Artificial Intelligence in recruiting is the process of utilising AI to automate time-consuming or repetitive tasks whilst providing personalisation throughout the recruitment process via data-led insights.

Many companies have integrated Artificial Intelligence into their recruitment process in order to improve efficiency, accuracy and productivity in regards to candidate selection and screening. AI is therefore praised for reducing time spent on mundane but necessary tasks, allowing the recruiter to focus on additional aspects of the hiring process such as interviewing selected candidates. Despite much of the debate surrounding the use of AI in recruitment, Artificial Intelligence is not meant to replace human recruiters, rather, it should be put in place to support them.

AI in recruitment allows hiring managers to discover passive candidates, unlocking key insights that can guide decision making fueling better outcomes such as positive hires.

Where Does AI Come Into The Recruitment Process?

Candidate Sourcing

Artificial Intelligence has the ability to analyse large data pools found within job sites or on relevant social platforms, such as LinkedIn. AI can scan applications and CVs, searching for specific keywords or parameters that match an advertised job role.

However, AI cannot analyse a candidate’s soft skills. Analysing a candidate’s soft skills should be conducted through psychometric testing.


Pre-employment or employee screening tests are used to help identify the traits or skills that determine whether a candidate is a good fit for the advertised role. Issuing psychometric tests to potential candidates can aid in ascertaining which individuals should move further in the hiring process.

Psychometric testing is an assessment method used in recruitment to measure a candidate’s mental capabilities and personality traits. Through multi-faceted methods of data collection, the recruiter is able to observe a candidate’s behaviour, personality, cognitive thinking and profile on the basis of this.

There are a variety of psychometric assessments that can analyse a candidate’s soft skills, from numerical reasoning to logical reasoning. Depending on the industry in which the job role has been advertised, recruiters should issue the relevant assessments in order to correctly determine the candidate’s capabilities. You can read our guide to the top five psychometric tests here.

With Qualyphi, you can create and send unlimited* tests to candidates based on the advertised job role and skills needed. You can view our complete test library here.

Influence and develop new processes

AI can be programmed to deliver email or SMS prompts that ask for the candidate to provide feedback on the hiring process. This allows hiring managers to better understand the candidate experience and improve for the next recruitment round if necessary.

According to industry statistics, 40% of candidates reject offers because the employer did not provide an offer fast enough. Over 80% of candidates said their candidate experience changed their minds about the job opportunity.

A poor candidate experience can not only form a negative association with the employer’s brand, but also discourage top candidates from continuing with their application.

Staying in touch with candidates, providing the right information at the right time is integral to the success of delivery a positive experience. Candidates will quickly lose interest in a company if there is little communication during the hiring process.

By automating particular aspects of the recruitment process, recruiters can focus more on building relationships whilst candidates receive faster responses through a streamlined recruitment process.

What Are The Benefits Of Introducing AI To The Recruitment Process?

Remove hiring bias

AI can removing bias from the recruitment process by recognising which candidate is an optimal fit for the team. AI sources and screens candidates by utilising large pools of data, combining these data points using algorithms to make informed predictions on the best candidates.

AI can also be programmed to remove demographic data about candidates, removing bias surrounding gender, age and race.

Reduce time and fill positions sooner

According to research, HR managers say they loose 14 hours per week on average due to having to complete recruitment tasks manually. By integrating AI into the recruitment process, recruiters can save time in sourcing, analysing candidates, and communicating with them. Through AI recommendations, hiring managers can contact the most suitable candidates first, ultimately filling positions faster.

Will AI Replace Recruiters?

Throughout the recruitment process, it is important for recruiters to empathise with candidates, understanding their personality and individual traits in order to determine whether they are the right fit culturally for the company.

Additionally, a robot cannot sell a job to a candidate. Whilst Artifiical Intelligence is optimal in matching the required skills to candidate experience and pinpointing the best candidate for the job, it cannot convince the selected candidate to take the job. It takes a human to understand and sell an opportunity by highlighting the ‘softer’ and more appealing aspects of a job such as company outings, free breakfast weekly or a cycle-to-work scheme. Currently, Artificial Intelligence lacks the above abilities, ensuring that AI will not replace recruiters in the short term.

Ultimately, AI in recruitment continues to positively impact the hiring process, reducing time spent, removing bias and selecting optimal candidates. The adoption rate of AI in the recruitment pre-selection process continues to increase, with the distribution of psychometric tests across industry. You can view our full test library here.