Psychometric Pre-employment Testing

QualyΦSend tests | easy results


Our service

QualyΦ is a psychometric test provider. Our clients use us to assess potential candidates for whatever position and/or experiment. The process for doing so is highly intuitive and convenient for our clients, see our workflowand testsbelow

Easing the process

Quick and simple. Select one or multiple tests from our test library and send them out. Create a free account and begin with limited test attempts. Use one of our plans to test as much as you would like hassle-free


QualyΦ aims to be a top pre-employment assessment provider. Any collaboration/feedback from our clients is highly valued. Hence, the ability to get in touch with our development team is made very easy for our members.

General criteria


The most reliable testing for personality are those based on proven statistical models, particularly the Big Five Personality Model. Our assessments will layout the test-taker's personality accross five dimensions: Openness to Experience, Conciensciousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism and Extraversion


General intelligence criteria remains the sole trait that accurately predicts overall carreer success on average. Coupling IQ results with conscientiousness (One of the Big Five) is the optimal way to interpret IQ results.

Our Logical Reasoning, Spatial Relations and Inductive Reasoning tests are very useful for measuring IQ


Aptitude is simply another word for talents. Aside from intelligence and personality, a particular subset of talents can be a great addition to the team. Determining them individually by test is an option.

Examples of talents to look for include teamwork, critical thinking, spatial awareness and logic


Skills are entirely measurable as opposed to aptitude, which is mostly qualitative. Financial, Engineering, Hands-on, Sales/Marketing all have concepts and competencies associated with their space, some of which overlap. Rank-ordering results between tests is a key feature of our service.


A detailed technical sheet of this flow can be found here. Send this link to whoever will be responsible for managing your psychometric testing stage in your HR department

Internally we use the term 'Batch' to describe a collection of psychometric tests that have been sent out to candidates.

Batch Manager

  • Manage batches you have already sent if any
  • Toggle batch states Active/Inactive
  • Create New Batch

+ Send Tests

  • Position/Intent of batch (usually the name of the position you want to fill out)
  • Select tests to complete
  • Invite Candidates
  • Generate open link to skip inviting process (optional)

Await attempt(s)

Sit back comfortably and wait for candidates to complete all tests

View Results

  • Select batch of tests from Manager
  • Graphical results
  • Detailed results

Test Library

As a way to take account of candidates who have not had a chance to practice psychometric tests or people with visual or cognitive impairements, we record the total time it takes to complete our tests. That way the client will be able to determine if the candidate took the tests seriously or lazily.

In Short: No time limit, but total time is recorded


Numerical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Mechanical Reasoning

Spatial Relations

Inductive Reasoning

More in Development...



Up to 5 candidate invites per month.

One free batch

Access to basic tests

Test level 1 and 2



FREE features

Unlimited Batches

50 candidate invites per month

Unlocks Levels 3 through 5



STANDARD features

Unlimited candidate invites
